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Re: Using a remote kernel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3372] Re: Using a remote kernel
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 04:14:09 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4h3lg1$1od at>, "Mark G. Jackson"
<mgj2 at> wrote:

> How do I tell my 2.2.2 front-end to use the kernel present on the UNIX 
> mainframes present at my university?  My computer (Mac PPC with built-in 
> ethernet) is connected via TCP to the network where the mainframes are.

Setting up remote kerenl connections is done through the "Kernels
and Tasks" dialog accessible from the Action menu. 

Briefly you open the dialog, type in a kernel connection name, 
click on the "MathLink" radio button and then the "Launch on" 
"Remote Machine" radio button. Make sure the Kernel program 
field reads "math" and then edit the Remote login field. It is 
usually enough to replace "username" with your username for the 
machine in question and "password" with your password for that 
same machine. Now you need to click on the "Connection" button 
and in the Connection Settings dialog enter the IP address of 
the Unix machine.

This is described in detail on pages 190-194 of the Mathematica 
User's Guide for the Macintosh.

If you need further help I would suggest that you contact 
Wolfram Research Technical Support (support at 

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217) 398-0700   fax:(217) 398-0747    ianc at
Wolfram Research Home Page:


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