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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg5119] Integration..Constants
  • From: dwint01 at (Dennis Michael Winters)
  • Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 22:04:40 -0500
  • Organization: Emory University
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I have tried several times to perform an integration(math..2.2.3)B 
similar to the following.

In[1]:=Integrate[(ao+x)^-1 (bo^-2), x]

The results, however, are always incorrect:

Out[1]=-ln(-ao+x)  <---where the constant "ao" should be positive.

Note: The above is not the exact problem and solution. It is only an 
example of the type of problem I have been having with the program.

I have tried to specify the value of "ao" before integrating:

In[1]:=SetAttribute[ao, Constant]


In[1]:=SetAttribute[ao, Protected]

or a combination of the two.

I have also tried:

In[1]:=ao/. Sign[ao]=1

To try and get a positive result.  I have also tried MathCad 6.0+ and 
gotten the same results.  It appears to be a problem for both programs.  
(For those that might think that I am the one with the problem, I would 
like to say that a tenured prof and a postdoc agreed that there is a 
problem with the program).  If you know of a solution, or can point me in 
a different direction, I would greatly appreciate it.  This would save me 
from having to contact Wolfram about his program.  

----------------------------------  -Dennis M. Winters               -
-P.O. BOX 21215                  -
-EMORY UNIVERSITY                -
-ATLANTA, GA 30322               -
-dwint01 at               -
-or winters at

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