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RE: ? ? ? ! ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8320] RE: [mg8223] ? ? ? ! ?
  • From: "Richard W. Finley, M. D." <trfin at>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 13:24:35 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I guess it thinks it is plotting the derivative of the absolute value =
function, but it obviously doesn't know how to differentiate this =
function correctly. The derivative should be a step function and should =
exist everywhere except x=3D0, so it isn't clear to me what algorithm is =
being used here that fails.  Perhaps someone from Wolfram will enlighten =

-----Original Message-----
From:	Lou Talman [SMTP:me at]
To: mathgroup at
Sent:	Tuesday, August 19, 1997 8:12 PM
To:	mathgroup at
Subject:	[mg8223] ? ? ? ! ?

Can anyone explain what v3.0 of Mathematica thinks it's doing when it

     Plot[Abs'[x], {x, -3/10, 3/10}]


Note the prime:  The first argument of Plot was Abs'[x], not Abs[x].

The strange behavior I see appears both on a PowerMac 7200/120 running
Mac OS 7.5.3 and on a Wintel box running Windoze 95, so I presume that=20
it isn't platform dependent--or at least, not fully so.

--Lou Talman

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