MathGroup Archive 1997

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Re: Interpolation on irregular grid

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8360] Re: Interpolation on irregular grid
  • From: newsmgr at
  • Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 02:22:57 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Relay-Version: ANU News - V6.2.0 06/23/97 OpenVMS AXP V6.2; site chasm
Subject: [mg8360] Re: Interpolation on irregular grid
From: flip at ("flip phillips (at home)")
To: mathgroup at
Organization: the ohio state university, the vision laboratories

Use a Delaunay triangulation and re-interpolate at a regular interval.
Also, Tom Wickham-Jones has a very nice MathLink program that does this
making a class of InterpolationFunction that does just what you need. It's
from the 'ExtendGraphics' library of stuff that is part of his book on MMa

good luck

In article <5tbe9f$j90 at>, elsner at (Ron
Elsner) wrote:

>I have data {x_i,y_i,f_i} and I wish to interpolate 
>between the grid points.  But the x's and y's are on 
>an irregular grid.  Is there a function to do this 
>in Mma 3.0?
>--Ron Elsner

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