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Re: Copy-protection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7154] Re: [mg7136] Copy-protection
  • From: Mark Dowell <mark.dowell at>
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 01:57:52 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 01:55 AM 5/12/97 -0400, werner cyrmon wrote:
>Hi all,
>maybe Iam off topic, but I have to risc this.
>I am a registered user of Mma 3.0 (high school version) and I have
>installed it an my home PC. Some of the stuff I programmed there is
>for my students. So I have to show this in school. For this I have
>also a Notebook. BUT: Because of the new copy-protection I cant
>install Mma on the Notebbok too (other Math-ID).
>Only comment from Wolfram: buy a second license!!
>What, if a sell my PC, buy a new and want install Mma on this PC
>again? Buy Mma once again :-((
>So, does anyone know a workaround for this (nonsens) copy-protection.
>Is there a file where the PW is saved ....?
>Thanks for any tip!
Hi Werner,

I have the same type of problem, I used to use a registered copy of 2.2.3.
with the hardware key (the license belonged to the centre where I work). I
had installed a copy at work one on my notebook and one at home and I used
to just carry the hardware key around with me and put it on the copy I was
using at that time. This of course is not possible with version 3!!!!

Mark Dowell					Ispra, I-21020, (VA)
Marine Environment Unit TP 272			Italy.
Space Applications Institute			E-mail: mark.dowell at
Joint Research Centre				Talk: dowell at
Ispra Site					Phone: +39-332-789873
Commission of the European Communities		Fax: +39-332-789034


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