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Re: Copy-protection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7158] Re: [mg7136] Copy-protection
  • From: jpk at
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 01:57:57 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> From w.cyrmon at Mon May 12 09:16:55 1997
> Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 01:55:39 -0400 (EDT)
> From: w.cyrmon at (werner cyrmon)
To: mathgroup at
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: [mg7158] [mg7136] Copy-protection
> Hi all,
> maybe Iam off topic, but I have to risc this.
> I am a registered user of Mma 3.0 (high school version) and I have
> installed it an my home PC. Some of the stuff I programmed there is
> for my students. So I have to show this in school. For this I have
> also a Notebook. BUT: Because of the new copy-protection I cant
> install Mma on the Notebbok too (other Math-ID).
> Only comment from Wolfram: buy a second license!!
> What, if a sell my PC, buy a new and want install Mma on this PC
> again? Buy Mma once again :-((
> So, does anyone know a workaround for this (nonsens) copy-protection.
> Is there a file where the PW is saved ....?
> Thanks for any tip!
> Werner
Hi Werner,

I don't know how it is with Wolfram Res. but if You get a new PC than
You can move You license to the new machine. Other software vendors
require in that You destroy the old copy of th programm and sign a paper
about the destruction. 

I agree with You that the copy protection for PC's is stupid. But probably
the situation is more difficult. PC's have no unique machine ID like
workstations. So it is the question how Mma 3 gets a unique number for
the password ? Is it the Windows License ID, the user name, the IP-address
if present? And what happend if You only upgrade Your Windows to 
a newer version.

There is still a inconsistence because if I buy a license for a single
machine than there must be a possibility to run different operating systems
on this machine and get a license for Mma on *this* machine for all
operaingsystems I want say Windows 95, Linux, OS/2, Windows NT.

Many software vendors like Borland have a license so that one person
can use one copy per time -- I would like to see this type of license
at least for private users. 

How ever the staff from WRI must live from selling Mathematica and I 
understand the copy protection and this type of copy protection  is
mutch better than a hardware dongle that causes trouble with Your


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