MathGroup Archive 1997

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Re: Discrepancy betw HP unix and mac versions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7240] Re: [mg7211] Discrepancy betw HP unix and mac versions
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 19:13:46 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

StephenBou wrote:
> I noticed a discrepancy in the way Mathematica for HP unix (version 2.2)
> and the Macintosh 3.0 versions handle the % operator for a series of
> In the HP unix version, these commands in a single cell,
> 2+2;
> x=%
> gives as output and assign to 'x':
> 4
> But Macintosh version 3.0 assigns to 'x' the value of whatever command
> happened to be evaluated beforehand.
> Will all 3.0 versions perform the same way? What gives? The 3.0 version
> for macintosh would seem to implement the series of commands in a single
> cell in an undesirable way.
> BTW, if the same 2 statements were entered in the mac version 3.0 IN
> DIFFERENT CELLS, the results would be as in the HP unix case.
> -- Stephen
> stephenbou at

I have a windows95 pentium and have noticed that I must put things in
different cells to get them to execute correctly.  For example, a Needs
statement can't be in the same cell as a function call to the context
the Needs requests.  At least this strange execution order doesn't seem
to be followed in Module constructs.  It would have crippled the

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