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Re: Animated Graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7042] Re: [mg7006] Animated Graphics
  • From: Fabian Haas <b5hafa at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 May 1997 22:04:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thomas Burkhardt <tburkha at> wrote:

>I have some trouble with animated graphics and would greatly appreciate
>your help:
>Basically, I would like to animate a function f(x, t) for a succession
>of time ponts t. Actually, I have for each point in time T a data set,
>e. g. some points f(x_i, t=T), to represent the Funktion. Now the task
>is to plot the funktion values, connected with lines or some smooth
>function, for each value of t, one after the other, to get a nice
>looking movie. So the questions are:
>	- how could I plot the frames in one place to get the impression
>	  of a movie
>	- how could I control the speed of succession of the
>individual           frames
>	- and finally, how could I save the final movie in an          
>appropriate file format that might be viewed independetly of          
>MMa, e.g. mpeg or whatever
>So far, I used ListPlot to generate each frame, and then animated the
>frame sequence with Animate. The result is poor! In my Win 95 MMa 3.0
>Notebook, Animate first plots all frames (who would like hundreds of
>single plots instead of the movie!) and only afterwards I could get an
>animation. I couldn't find any control for frame speed nor for saving
>the movie. Besides, my system sometimes kills MMa after producing too
>many frames!
>If there is no solution within MMa, are you avare of possible software
>Thank you very much!

Dear Thomas,

I think it is basically all right what you did, but be sure about following:

- no text or code between the graphics, so get rid of -Graphics- by a ; after you ListPlot.

- no extra ListPlot for every picture, make something like Do[ ListPlot[x,t], {t, 1, 10}] or so.

Then you can animate with Animate Selected Graphics which works fine on my machine (MacIntosh)

You should also be sure that your machine has enough memory, something like 10-15 MB (again Mac experience) should be available. If you have the full version, you could calculate and render the graphics, save the notebook and quite. Then only open the notebook after giving it more memory, because you dont need the kernel to show animations.

Making a movie is easy with Mac again: you select the graphics and choose Convert to QuickTime... which will give you a separate movie. QT is also availbale for Win but I dont know if Mma supports it there.
The control is also in the Graphics menu I think the last one.

Maybe your major problem is: get a bigger machine!!!


Dipl.Biol. Fabian Haas, MPhil
Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie
Erbertstr. 1
D-07743 Jena
Deutschland / Germany
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