MathGroup Archive 1997

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RE: Headers and footers again

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg9662] RE: [mg9630] Headers and footers again
  • From: jmthomas <jmthomas at>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 01:31:00 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

This will not answer your question, but after I tried unsuccessfully to 
achieve the same goal, and saw all the messages in the newsgroup
refering  to unsuccessful tries, I have adopted the following method: I
have created a "myDefaultNotebook.nb", with all footers, headers,
styles,  etc. set.
I have added this notebook to the "file->notebooks" list using the
"modify  this menu" command. This notebook is on top of the list. If I
need just a scrap notebook, I use "file->new", which gives me the 
defaut.nb notebook.
But if I need to have my customized notebook, I use 
"file->notebooks->myDefaultNotebook", and I save it under another name.
I understand this does not answer your question, but, even if the
procedure  is not very cute, it works, and works fast. Another point is
that you can  create more than just one default template, for instance 
"myNotebookForStudents, myNotebookForClients, myNotebookForPackage, the
last one being a copy of Doctor Maeder template. Hope this helps.

----------------------------------------------- Jean-Marie THOMAS
Conseil et Audit en Ingenierie de Calcul jmthomas at
+33 (0)3 88 32 93 64

-----Original Message-----
From:	Sean Ross [SMTP:seanross at] To:
mathgroup at
Sent:	Saturday, November 15, 1997 3:40 AM To:	mathgroup at
Subject:	[mg9630] Headers and footers again

The following question is VERY SPECIFIC and I have tried many things
already to get it to work.  Please, if you respond, take the time to
read the entire message and don't tell me to do what I have already
done or tell me that what I have done should work.

I am using Mathematica 3.0.1 on a Win95 pentium. I want to have all new
notebooks I create have a certain set of headers and footers.  In
particular, I want to have the date print on the upper right hand side
of the page and the page number in the lower middle.  I have figured
out how to do this:  in the right hand header box in the File:Print
Options:Headers and Footers drop down menu, I put

Cell[    TextData[ {     ValueBox[ "Day"], " ",      ValueBox[
"MonthName"], " ",      ValueBox[ "ShortYear"]}], "PageNumber"]

and in the Right hand footer box, I put

Cell[ TextData[ {CounterBox[ "Page"]}]].

The pages print to my satisfaction, all is right with the world.  Now I
want these options to become the default.  I edit the shared style
sheet and make the changes.  Then I open up a new notebook and ... the
footer with the page number is there, but the header is still the
default.  I say, well, lets try editing the option inspector.  I open
the option inspector and choose Cell Options: Printing Options:
PageHeaders: RightHandPageHeaders and enter the appropriate options and
click on apply.  I open a new notebook and the footer option is as I
specified but the header is the default.  The options inspector reports
that the headers are as I specified, but the file menu gives the
default and the printer follows the file menu, not the options

So, I went through the mathematica directory manually editing the
empty.nb and init.m for the front end.  They all have the headers that
I specify, but new notebooks still have the default header and the new
footer even though the options inspector still has my values for the

My question is: exactly where do the options come from that are used for
new notebooks.  Please do not tell me
SystemFiles\FrontEnd\StyleSheets\default.nb, empty.nb or Common
Files\Mathematica\3.0\FrontEnd\init.m.  I have already edited them,
they all reflect my changes, but new notebooks do not reflect the
options in these files.  There must be something else that is
influencing which options get put in the Print Options menu.

P.S.  This kind of problem underscores the need for a front end manual
and for adequate testing by humans before the product is shipped.

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