MathGroup Archive 1998

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Problems with Keyboard Shortcuts


I'm running Mathematica 3.0 on a PowerMacintosh (O.S. 8.0).

Is there a way to have the Keyboard Shortcuts for the Format Style
working? Is this my problem or a Front-End problem?

Thanks in advance.


                        (.) (.)

| Gaetano Bellanca                                                    |
| D.E.I.S. - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica. |
| University of Bologna.                                              |
| Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 - Bologna - ITALY                     |
|                                                                     |
| Phone  :  +39 51 6443060                                            |
| Fax    :  +39 51 6443073                                            |
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|      URL:    |
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