MathGroup Archive 1998

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Holding name of argument

  I have written a function for writing data in binary form to a file. I
use the MathLink program by Todd Gayley and John Fultz that is a
replacement for the standard (slow) package Utilities`BinaryFiles`. I
am successful in writing mixed forms of ascii, single variable, and
large array data to the file (quickly). 
  The syntax of the function is writeBinary[field_,fileName_] := ...
What I am having trouble with now is writing the name of the first
argument into the file. That is, when the function is called I want to
save the name of the first argument as an ascii string and write that
string into the file. I have played for a while with HoldFirst and
HoldForm, but so far I am missing the point.
  Thanks in advance for any help.
Michael A. Johnson, Mail Stop L-463
Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab
7000 East Ave., P. O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94551
Fax: (510) 422-6007

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