MathGroup Archive 1998

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Mathematica 3.0.2, NeXT Intel

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg10821] Mathematica 3.0.2, NeXT Intel
  • From: "DIAMOND Mark R" <>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 21:01:35 -0500
  • Organization: The University of Western Australia

We have just upgraded (though this is probably a misnomer) to 3.0.2, and
are hoping that someone may be able to guide us in solving a problem on
the NeXT-Intel version.

On 3.0 (the original), the printing did not work unless one used the
rather round-about bug-avoidance scheme documented on the wolfram web
site; namely, edit the postscript file, delete all lines with
"nextdict" and then spool to the printer.

The original bug remains, but the bug work-around no longer works.  VERY
Any solutions?

The disappearing-ccursor bug which was introduced with Windows-95 3.0.1
remains in 3.0.2 although the other major cursor bug (jump to beginning
of cell on insert) has gone.

On a more positive note, it's nice that a "minimize" button has finally
been put into the Help window.

Vision Research Laboratory
Department of Psychology
The University of Western Australia

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