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Re: Can Mathematica help me?

Mark Carroll wrote:
> Here's my problem: I have software that generates a set of equations
> that needs to be solved. Numerical solutions are okay.
> Unfortunately, the set of equations may not have a nice closed form and
> may contain differential equations or other exciting things, etc. Can I
> just throw such a set of equations at Mathematica and have it solve
> them? I'd prefer it to figure out when to use particular parts of
> expert knowledge instead of having to tell it, 'okay, solve this set as
> differential equations, then try to simplify this other set using
> general techniques'. So far, I've not seen anything that doesn't need
> to be guided along by telling it what parts of its mathematical
> knowledge to apply where: it's hard enough to do that automatically,
> and I doubt it's even possible in the general case.
> Basically, I'm looking for something where its various skills can seem
> to work together as a group, instead of each having to be  consulted
> individually. Is Mathematica up to this?
> Thanks.
> -- Mark
I think you are looking for an Utopia which does not exist. Bite the 
bullet and get involved in generating your solutions...or hire a 
mathematician to do it for you

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