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typesetting problem in Mathematica3 / NT

I'm having a frustrating time trying to typeset with PlotLabel.
specifically, the command

    PlotLabel->FontForm["Some Plot Label",{"Times-Bold",12}]]]

results in "Some Plot Label" getting all garbled up - the characters
being both displayed and printed on top of each other (strings that
contain no spaces don't have this problem). 

grArray is a {3,2} matrix of plots which themselves contain PlotLabel
commands and there are problems even within these nested plots: for
example, one label is the string "L3 (reference)" which displays
normally on the screen but prints out as "L3 HreferenceL" (without the

I know that FontForm has been superceded by StyleForm, but I tried that
as well with the same bad results. I've even tried several font and
size combinations just to see if that was the culprit, but no luck.

Anyone know if this is a known bug in Mathematica 3.0 under WinNT 4.0 or
is there something I'm missing?

Thanks for the info,

 |          Alan Calvitti          |
 | Systems and Control Engineering |
 |    Autonomous Robotics Group    |
 | Case Western Reserve University |

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