MathGroup Archive 1998

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Performance under Win95

I have recently installed Mathematica 3.0 on a new Pentium II system
with Windows95.  While the performance was surprisingly good compared
to even an Ultra-Sparc system, I was quite disappointed to find that 
an identical Pentium II system with Linux or Windows NT4 performed 
TWICE as fast.

I am used to the fact that Windows95 is about 20% slower than NT, but a
factor of two is unacceptable.  Maybe Win95 is bad, but I  assume that
Wolfram research simply didn't care to make their product run properly
under Windows95.....??

Question:  Is there any way to speed up MATHEMATICA 3.0 under Win95??

(I know there was a similar problem with Mathematica 2.2, which ran a
lot faster under Win 3.1 than under Windows95)

Best regards, Sebastian

P.s.:  do not hit reply, but mail to sebaste at instead.

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