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Re: Performance under Win95

You should check to see whether you're running the same version of
Mathematica on both machines.  There were some significant
optimizations that sped up Mathematica for Windows from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.
If you have Mathematica 3.0.0 installed on your Pentium II Win95
system, and 3.0.1 running on the NT4 system, that would explain the

As a general rule of thumb, when doing such timing comparisons between
OS's, it's always good to make sure that they have not only identical
hardware, but identical versions of Mathematica; algorithmic or
optimization changes in the Mathematica binary may account for speed
differences even in .0.x releases.


John Fultz
Front End Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

Sebastian wrote:
> Hello,
> I have recently installed Mathematica 3.0 on a new Pentium II system
> with Windows95.  While the performance was surprisingly good compared
> to even an Ultra-Sparc system, I was quite disappointed to find that
> an identical Pentium II system with Linux or Windows NT4 performed
> TWICE as fast.
> I am used to the fact that Windows95 is about 20% slower than NT, but a
> factor of two is unacceptable.  Maybe Win95 is bad, but I  assume that
> Wolfram research simply didn't care to make their product run properly
> under Windows95.....??
> Question:  Is there any way to speed up MATHEMATICA 3.0 under Win95??
> (I know there was a similar problem with Mathematica 2.2, which ran a
> lot faster under Win 3.1 than under Windows95)
> Best regards, Sebastian
> -----
> P.s.:  do not hit reply, but mail to sebaste at instead.

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