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Re: Eigenvectors

At 05:07 3-01-98 -0500, David Djajaputra wrote:
>Is there a simple command that can give me the <b>normalized</b>
>eigenvectors of a hermitian matrix?
>Or the unitary matrix that diagonalizes it?
this gives you a random hermitian 3.3 matrix:

these are the eigenvectors:
and these are the (real!) eigenvalues: e=Eigenvalues[m]//Chop

the v are already normalised:
(* do not forget to take conjugates! *) so this should give {1.,1.,1.}:
(# . Conjugate@# )&  /@ v    //Chop

and for a hermitian m, they are orthogonal: Transpose[Conjugate[v]] . v 
gives :
{{1., 0, 0}, {0, 1., 0}, {0, 0, 1.}}

and the following gives the diagonalised matrix of m:

Dr. Wouter L. J. MEEUSSEN

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