MathGroup Archive 1998

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RE: howto interrupt with mathlink

See the MathLink tutorial on how to make a mathlink function abortable.

Maybe there is a way with MacOs to kill a process, but I have no
experience in recent MacOs.

Hope this helps,


Jean-Marie THOMAS
Conseil et Audit en Ingenierie de Calcul
+33 (0)3 88 32 93 64

-----Message d'origine-----
De:	philippe brosson [] Date:	lundi 12 janvier
1998 10:11
Objet:	[mg10404] howto interrupt with mathlink

Any one could send a simple example that allows to switch to the finder
of the macintosh or interrupt the calculation when a C function
(several minutes calculation time) is being evaluated using Mathlink.
The example could be 1+2+3+ ... +N, in order to test with large N
Philippe Brosson

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