MathGroup Archive 1998

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MathLink connection from Mac to UNIX

I would like to run a program on a unix machine  from Mathematica3.0
that runs
on my Mac, using MathLink communication. The Mathematica book tells me
that it is possible (page 663): I have to start the unix program first
(say, addtwo -linkcreate) which returns the link  (say, 3709@wilson),
and then go to the Mac and use


hoping that Mathematica will connects to the wilson computer (unix).
This however, does not happen. At this point the kernel on my Mac makes
an AppleTalk  windows and asks me to find the program for connection in
the AppleTalk zones. That is not what I want.

My question is: how can tell Mathematica to use TCP/IP for this
connection? Presumably, I will also have to tell my login name and
password for telnet. Unfortunately, although the Mathematica book
claims that  MathLink can work over TCP/IP, I did not find and example
how to do that.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Gennady.

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