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Re: Diamond Video card problems?

Dwarf wrote:
> Hello again!
> I just wanted to ask for further suggestions about that problem I posted
> a while back.  Since my description of the problem wasn't very clear,
> I've posted a screen shot of the aftermath on the web.  If you go to
> there are links to both the
> screen shot and a sample notebook I can use to duplicate the problem,
> along with what I do to reproduce it.
> I called Wolfram tech support, but they couldn't reproduce it.  I can
> reproduce it an any computer I've tried it on, and the common link is a
> Diamond Multimedia video card.  Not necessarily the same card either.
> Today I downloaded the newest drivers I could find with no success. I
> have to say, if this means I have to go buy a new video card to use
> Mathematica  I'll be *quite* unamused.
> If anyone has any suggestions, I'm *dying* to hear them.
> Thanks!
> Greg Anderson

I get those screens too on occasion.  I also have a Diamond video card,
perhaps that is a commonality.  The "stutter screen" notebooks happen
about 70% of the time when I use the "create table/matrix/palette"
tool.  Sometimes it happens in a large notebook if I scroll too much. 
The fix is:  Save the notebook, close it, then re-open it.  Since you
don't quit your session, all the information entered in the kernel is
still there.  Its annoying, but not fatal.

The other video problem I have is that the notebook will "bleed" out of
the box and pieces of it will appear all over the desktop.  This can
happen any time there is more than one notebook open.  My solution is
to keep only one notebook maximized at a time.  If I get the corrupt
screens, I save and close all notebooks, minimize the mathematica
window, manually run my screen saver to refresh the corrupted parts of
the windows desktop, then re-open my notebooks.  Another annoying, but
not fatal problem.
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