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installing TeXSave math fonts

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg13108] installing TeXSave math fonts
  • From: Jordan Milev <jgmilev at>
  • Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 03:44:11 -0400
  • Organization: Amherst College
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello!  I've spent several frustrating hours trying to install the
TeXSave fonts in the Mathematica directory.  The objective is to be
able to save a given notebook file in TeX form and then use the result
in a larger TeX document.  However, I have not been able to set things
up right.

I have the following problems:
1.  I can LaTeX a file containing Mathematica output, but I cannot
display it with the dvi previewer YAP (comes with MiKTeX distribution
of LaTeX) because the dvi previewer complains "No outline found for
font Times-Roman..."
2. I can dvips the dvi file (even though I cannot see it) and while the
dvips process is running, it says that certain font files cannot be
found, so it wouldn't display the characters in those fonts.  Indeed,
GS View shows a .gs file that is normal, except for missing here and
there words that are meant to be in the Mathematica fonts.

I'd really appreciate any help from somebody who has more experience in
(La)TeX and Mathematica fonts setup.


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