MathGroup Archive 1998

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RE: Re: FindRoot

Daniel Lichtblau  gave a detailed analysis: Part of his analysis is
given below.

Once in a while members of the mathgroup show how GroebnerBasis can be
used  to solve real world problems (as below).  Has anyone written a
tutorial on  GroebnerBasis and PolynomialReduce that assumes no
advanced background in  polynomial algebra?

If not it would be a good topic for a future article.

Often times we are referred to an article in an the Mathematica Journal.
I  have looked for it in several University libraries, and have yet to
find one  that carries it.  Does anyone how where I could find an old
issue?  In some  cases I may be willing to purchase a copy.

Ted Ersek

|Now I compute a Groebner basis that in effect triangulates the system
of |polynomials. I first do this with a nonzero modulus, so as to keep
|coefficient growth from murdering the computation (it turns out this
is |not a problem, but often it is). We will see that we do not have
seven |independent polynomials, only six.
|In[29]:= Timing[gb = GroebnerBasis[p2, vars, Modulus->Prime[1111]];]
|Out[29]= {0.27 Second, Null}
|Note that the first polynomial is not in x7 alone, but has x6 as well.
|Indeed, fortuitiously, it can be written as a polynomial in x6*x7.
|Before preceding further we will recompute this in characteristic
zero. |
|In[31]:= Timing[gb = GroebnerBasis[p2, vars];] Out[31]= {0.72 Second,
|In[33]:=  InputForm[pol1 =
|    Last[PolynomialReduce[gb[[1]], x6*x7 - z, {x6,x7,z}]];] |

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