MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Stack graphics

I think that what you want to do is something like an example in section 18.2
of the book Mathematica Graphics, by Tom Wickham-Jones.
If you do not have access to this book, I can mail you the code.
Sergio Terrazas
At 07:48 PM 3/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I would like to plot a set of curves, say f[x,t], for several different
>t's, almost like a 3D plot, but with mesh just on t. More like
>StackGraphics does, but each curve should hide the ones on the back.
>Observe the following example and compare the two outputs
>f[x_,t_]:=Exp[-(x-Cos[Pi t])^2]
>** Here Mathematica draws a beautiful plot, with HiddenSurface->True,
>but the mesh is in both directions
>gtab=Table[Plot[f[x,t],{x,-5,5},DisplayFunction -> Identity], {t,
>** Here StackGraphics produces mesh just in t, as wanted, but I cannot
>set HiddenSurface->True. The result is not adequate for my problem.
>(Just imagine something a little more complicated than Gaussian packets
>oscillating forth and back in time-it would be certainly too hard to
>What would be the solution for this? Is there any option in Plot3D that
>I haven't seen yet?
>Best regards,
>Marcia T. Fontenelle
>Laser Physics and Quantum Optics
>KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
>10044 Stockholm

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