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Re: Plots from Previous Session

Eric Mockensturm wrote:
> Dear Group,
> I have been wondering how to do this in Mathematica for some time and
> have never found the answer.  Hopefully, it's trivial and I'm just
> missing something.
> What I would like to do is use plots from previous sessions.  With
> expressions, you can use cmd-L (on a Mac) to copy the previous output
> cell as an input cell.  Can you do something similar with Graphics?
> As an example, say you have your computer running overnight to get some
> data and then plot it.  You save and quit.  Then you realize that you'd
> like to overlay some of information on this plot.  Can you make the
> Graphic an input cell and then work with it instead of recalculating
> the data used to make the plot?
> Sincerely,
> Eric Mockensturm
> Dynamic Stability Lab
> 1113 Etcheverry Hall
> University of California - Berkeley
> (510) 642-6371

If your system supports Dump or DumpSave, you can do it that way.  Mine
doesn't so when I have a lot of data to save, I write the data out and
put it in a collapsed cell and save it along with the file.  For


If I save this as a file, then the next time I open it, I will have to
generate data again. However if I write:


the output is a huge list of numbers.  Now go down to the output cell
and insert "data=" in front of the list.  Mathematica will generate a
copy of the data in input form.  Collapse the cell so it doesn't take
up 10 screens and save the notebook.  The next session you will only
have to execute the cell and load the data back into your symbol and
you are good to go.  You could also save the data to a file and read it
in your next session.
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