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Re: RE: Re: Mathematica 3.0.1 / Win95 woes

Barthelet, Luc wrote:
> My flame: under win95, Mathematica 3.0.1
> The editing bug that I now find the most annoying is the confused cell
> when editing quotes.
> On large input cells that have been edited many times, when one add an
> extra string, 50% of the time the front end gets confused and mixes the
> opening and closing of strings. Getting out of that is a nightmare. I
> ...
> could probably just learn to get better at it. but on large input
> cells, there is no way to predict what will make it fail.

An ABSOLUTE nightmare.
Often it is difficult even to FIND the problem in a complex cell.

I have seen this both on on the Mac (Under Mac o.s. 7.5.5) and
on the Silicon Graphics also In version 3.0 it seemed even

However, a few tips:

Use menu command DivideCell the cell into parts (if possible) and
evaluate each part until the offending part is found. Then delete the
whole subcell containing the error and retype it and then merge the sub
divided cell back together.  This is now my standard proceedure when
this happend.  Maybe once every 2-3 hours of Mathmatica.

Even Better!!

I have recently had sucess (on the Silicon Graphics, at least) with
selecting the offending cell (by the cell bracket) and changing it into
Menu command Style...Text and then changing it back into Style...Input.
Seems to clean up "Hidden" cell flaws.  On the Mac, it does get Input
cells turned into Traditional Form in a  note that I have
SetOptions[$Output,FormatType->TraditionalForm]. Don't understand that.

> end of flame. I love mathematica anyway.
> Luc, who wishes for a more professional editor in the front end,
> including coloring and formatting.

Me too...  But some times it is hard to love. I seem to rememder version
2.0 being unrelable (and slow) and version 2.1 fixed most of the bad
bugs.  When is version 3.1 going to be released.  I guess I will just
skip version 4.0 and wait for 4.1.

Tim Sos

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