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Very slow graphics rendering

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14137] Very slow graphics rendering
  • From: "julio vera" <lvera at>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 03:51:49 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Thanks to Sergio Terrazas and Will Self for the very useful answers I
received to my previous question.

 With their help, I could make a graphic of part of a 3D object, like
this piece of a sphere:

[{x , y , If[ x^2 + y^2 < (4/5)^2 , Sqrt [ 1 - x^2 - y^2 ] ] } , {x , -1
, 1 , 1/75} , { y, -1 , 1 , 1/75} ]

With an increment bigger than 1/75, the limits of the plot are quite

My question is if I can achieve a definite curve limit for a partial 3D
object in a more efficient way, since for each graphic I have to wait
more than an hour. I work with 16 mega RAM and a 686 Cyrix motherboard.

Another aspect: the graphics get rather dark, because of the amount of
lines that are drawn. After the picture is finished, I can eliminate
the black in them by using preferences on the graphic object, with the
right button of the mouse.

Maybe these 2 problems are related, since the delay may be happening
because of all the division lines that are drawn. 

Thanks in advance,

Julio Vera

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