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Re: Journals about Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17195] Re: [mg17095] Journals about Mathematica
  • From: "Mark E. Harder" <harderm at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 01:21:05 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

    I've taken a brief look at Mathematic in Ed. .. and I used to buy TMJ at
the local technical bookstore.  Based on that, I found TMJ by far the better
for the general user of Mtca.  Unfortunately, TMJ ceased publication.  Then
there was a flurry of publicity (in '98 or thereabouts) about how TMJ would
be re-published by Academic Press, I believe.  My inquiries met with mostly
silence, until a few months ago, when it appeared that TMJ would be
published again through Wolfram, and that subscription orders would be taken
again.  Assuming that the June 98 issue was where the new TMJ would begin,
I subscribed to the print & online versions.  Since then, I have received my
online access to TMJ, but nothing else.  All inquiries again have been met
with silence.  I am left to assume that someday I will get the 4 or 6 issues
I am entitled to.  So there it is.. One journal good for educators, and one
ghost good for everyone.
Maybe somebody who knows the real future of TMJ will care to comment?
-mark harder

-----Original Message-----
From: James D Hanson <hanson.nospam at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg17195] [mg17095] Journals about Mathematica

>At there are URLs for the two
>journals, Mathematica in Education and Research
>( and The Mathematica Journal
>( Mathematica in Education and
>Research appears to be publishing regularly (latest issue Winter 1999)
>while The Mathematica Journal seems to have ceased publication (latest
>issue June 1998).
>Can anyone comment on the relative merits of these two journals? Is The
>Mathematica Journal still alive? Thanks.
>James D. Hanson                      ph. (334) 844-5044
>Department of Physics                fax (334) 844-4613
>206 Allison Laboratory
>Auburn University, AL 36849-5311     hanson.nospam at

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