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weird behavior of simplify

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21186] weird behavior of simplify
  • From: b320 <b320 at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 01:23:44 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: FYMA
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I tried the following simplification:

Simplify[E^((2*I*(1 - n^2 + 4*n)*2*Pi)/n), {n ? Integers}]

and nothing happened

E^(-((4*I*(-1 - 4*n + n^2)*Pi)/n))

But this time it worked out the way it should

Simplify[E^((2*I*(1 - n^2 + 4*n)*2*Pi)/n) + x, {n ? Integers}]

E^((4*I*Pi)/n) + x

But again

Simplify[E^((2*I*(1 - n^2 + 4*n)*2*Pi)/n) + 3/E^((4*I*(3 + 
n^2)*2*Pi)/n), {n ? Integers}]

Does not simplify the way I would expect:

E^((4*I*Pi)/n) + 3/E^((8*I*(3 + n^2)*Pi)/n)

So is this a bug or is there a more subtel explanation ?

Thank you for comments

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