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emmathfnt for Mathematica 3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21305] emmathfnt for Mathematica 3
  • From: coliste at (Roberto COLISTETE-JUNIOR)
  • Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 00:34:55 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

   Dear Mathematica users,

   I'm a Mathematica 3.01 user (using WinNT 4 SP3), and I didn't know if
the "emmathfnt -- a tool for embedding Type 1 Math fonts in EPS files"
would work with EPS files generated by Mathematica 3, because the
MathSource text just explains that it works with Mathematica 4 EPS files. 

   After trying a lot, I realised that a simple correction in the EPS
files (created by Mathematica 3) is enough : 

   - open the EPS file using a text editor, go to the beginning, and find
the lines that begin with "%%" and end with "(atend)", like these : 

%%Pages: (atend)
%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)

   - search for the occurrences of these lines without the "(atend)", for
example : 

%%Pages: 1 
%%DocumentNeededResources: font Math1Mono
%%+ font Courier

   - then, move the latter to the former ones, i.e., move the lines which
don't have "(atend)" to the beginning of the EPS file so that the lines
with "(atend)" are replaced. 

   This simple trick worked for all the EPS files, generated by "Display"
or "Edit / Save Selection As... / EPS", that I tested. So, the program
"emmathfnt" works embedding the fonts and creating a portable EPS file as
it's expected. 

      Happy Cristhmas,

      Roberto Colistete Junior

Roberto Colistete Junior                 Emails : coliste at
(Doctorant 1998-2001)                             roberto at
                                                  colistete at
Tel.: (LGCR bureau 22) (residentiel)

Laboratoire de Gravitation et Cosmologie Relativistes (LGCR)
Tour 22/12 - 4e etage (Boîte courrier 142)
Universite' Pierre et Marie Currie (Paris VI)
4, place Jussieu - 75005 Paris - FRANCE
Tel.:                      Fax :

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