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Symbolize and Notation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21361] Symbolize and Notation
  • From: Blimbaum Jerry DLPC <BlimbaumJE at>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 14:15:47 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

	Can someone explain why Symbolize and Notation are incompatible?  

	For example:  I want to use Notation so that terms like
E_subcript_x[x,y,z] display as E_subcript_x only.  Using Notation as follows

	Notations[E_subscript_x <---E_subscript_x[x,y,z]]    I can
accomplish this.
	However, suppose that I also want to define things like E =
{E_subcript_x[x,y,z],E_subcript_y[x,y,z],E_subcript_z[x,y,z]} then I have to

	Symbolize[E_].    What happens then, however, is that the Notations
definition I made up no longer works, i.e. the output becomes

	E_subscript_x[x,y,z] for example instead of E_subscript_x.
	Why are the 2 incompatible?  Or am I doing something wrong?   I've
also upgraded to the most recent Notations Utility.

	My basic objective is to make Mathematica input and output as close
to the way I would write it with pencil and paper and still leave operations
	Function intact.

	Also, is 4.01 a free upgrade because of software fixes or is it
something I have to purchase?  (I already have 4.0)

	Thanks.     Jerry Blimbaum    NSWC   Panama City, Fl

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