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Problems in character

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15929] Problems in character
  • From: "HO CHUNG WA" <chungwa at>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 23:33:59 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am a beginner of the Mathematica 3.0.
     I've found problems in the Mathematica and I cannot solve the 
problem by myself. When I open the Mathematica, there's always a "beep" sound 
and a message box appears. I check "Why the beep?", it tells, "An internal 
error involving formatting in a BoxForm expression was encountered. A repeat 
part of a composite character has zero width or height."
    Also, I check the message box, "Front End Message: The stretchable
character 0xf3a5 in the Math1Mono font (size 12) has a repeating piece
(0x80) that is zero size"
    In addition, all the symbols in the Palettes becomes strange code 
which cannot be understood.I don't know how to solve the problems. I hope 
someone may help.
    Thanks a lot!
(Please reply to my email address: enjoymath at

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