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Re: InterCall

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15454] Re: [mg15379] InterCall
  • From: Beverly Bradley <bbradley at>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 04:21:55 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I don't know if this will help, but we recently put together a little
capability to run an external FORTRAN program from within a Mathematica
notebook, and then grab and plot it's results.  Does that sound like
what you need at all ?  

I am not familiar with InterCall - in our procedure, AppleScript was the
key component.  I'll find and reproduce the relevant parts of the
notebook if anyone is interested.  For the record, this was done on a
Macintosh, running Mathematica v 3, and OS 8.

Beverly Bradley
beverly.bradley at

At 03:14 AM 1/12/99 -0500, Roger Mason wrote:
>I want to connect Mathematica 3 to external routines written in Visual
>Basic or Fortran, preferably the latter. There seems to be little
>information available regarding calling VB programs from within
>Mathematica, but I see from MathSource that there is a program
>"InterCall" that deals with calls to Fortran. So far I have been unable
>to contact the vendor (Terry Robb) at the addresses given in the
>relevant Mathsource documents. The latter seem to date from the early
>1990's, pre V.3. Does anyone know if this product is still available
>and, if so, is it compatible with V. 3?
>Thanks for your help.
>Roger Mason

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