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Re: LiveGraphics3D: missing geometry

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg18156] Re: LiveGraphics3D: missing geometry
  • From: Martin Kraus <Martin.Kraus at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 23:54:24 -0400
  • Organization: University of Stuttgart
  • References: <7kckm1$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Clara wrote:
> Hi all!

Hi Clara! :)

> I am doing a scholar work in mathematica 2.0 and I use the applet
> LiveGraphics3D to display my graphics in an web browser.

For everyone who never heared about LiveGraphics3D: It is a free
Java applet which allows to display and interactively rotate 
Mathematica graphics in HTML pages. (No knowledge about Java is 
required to use it, but a basic understanding of HTML is very 
helpful.) The applet (and its documentation) can be downloaded here:

or in MathSource:

> My problem is the applet do not show the graphic properly (some geometry
> is missing). Do you know about this problem?

In fact if geometry is missing there is usually an
error in the input which is not reported by the applet.
This is because the applet ignores primitives and directives
which it does not know. In these cases Mathematica usually sends a 
warning saying "unkown graphics primitive ..." (or something like 
that) but the applet just drops it. I guess this is what happened to

> Have you any solution for it?

Yes! :) Just correct the input! As a check you can always
let Mathematica show the expression which you want the applet
to show. If Mathematica can show it without complaining, 
the applet should also.

> Thanks in advance for any help.
> The code I am using is the following:
> Needs["Graphics`ContourPlot3D`"]
> f[x_,y_,z_]= x+y-3z-4;
> g[x_,y_,z_]= x^2+y^2-z^2;
> g1=ContourPlot3D[f[x,y,z],{x,-4,3},{y,-4,3},{z,-4,3},
> PlotPoints->2, Boxed->False,DisplayFunction->Identity];
> g2=ContourPlot3D[g[x,y,z],{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3},{z,-3,3},
> PlotPoints->5, Boxed->False,SphericalRegion->False,
> FaceGrids->None,DisplayFunction-> Identity];
> g3= Show[g1,Graphics3D[{FaceForm[
> SurfaceColor[RGBColor[0.502,1.000,1.000]]],
> Cases[g2,_Polygon,Infinity]}],DisplayFunction->$DisplayFunction]

This seems to be correct. (I cannot test it right now, sorry.)

> NumberForm[InputForm[Graphics3D[SurfaceGraphics[g3]]],5]

This line probably produces the problem because 
SurfaceGraphics3D[g3] should not evolve to anything sensible.
(You can convert a SurfaceGraphics3D object to a Graphics3D
object but NOT vice versa!) I would suggest to use:


This should work fine. (I do not understand what you intended
with Graphics3D[SurfaceGraphics[...]]. SurfaceGraphics only appear
when you use Plot3D, otherwise you should (and have to) avoid them.)

In general you can always check for problems with Mathematica by 
calling Show with the argument of InputForm. In your case you 
should try within Mathematica:

Show[Graphics3D[SurfaceGraphics[g3]]] (* THIS CODE DOES NOT WORK! *)

which should produce a warning or an error within Mathematica.

If you keep having problems, please let me know.
Otherwise, if you succeed to use the applet, please put your
graphics into the web and let me know the URL. :)

In any case I am happy about any feedback about LiveGraphics3D!
(I happen to be the author.)


Martin Kraus

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