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Re: Mathematica 3.0 "Report Summary"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20145] Re: [mg20051] Mathematica 3.0 "Report Summary"
  • From: "Carl K.Woll" <carlw at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 03:05:05 -0400
  • Organization: Department of Physics
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


You can do what you want by either altering the existing Input style in
you style sheet, or by creating a new style. For example, open up your
style sheet using the menu selection

Format | Edit Style Sheet...

If you don't ever want to have your Input cells printed out, then go to
the section Styles for Input/Output, open it up, and select
Input/Printout. Once you have this cell selected, open the option
inspector using the menu selection

Format | Option Inspector...

(or you could use the shortcut). Now, type CellOpen in the Lookup section
and hit enter. Change the CellOpen option to False.

Now, whenever you print documents with this style sheet, Input cells
should never be printed out. However, you can still view them in your
notebook. If instead, you have some Input cells which you would like
displayed, then copy all the input styles and rename them to something
like InputHide, and repeat the above. Use Input for cells you want
printed, and InputHide for cells you don't want printed. To check how
things will look when printed, you can change the Screen Style Environment
to Printout by using the menu selection

Format | Screen Style Environment | Printout

For your second question, the option which should control the size of a
closed cell is ClosedCellHeight, but reducing this option to 0 does not
seem to work properly. I thought I had a way to do this before, but I
can't remember what it was.

Carl Woll
Physics Dept
U of Washington

Steve Comstock wrote:

> Hello,
> The question I have is how to produce a nicely formatted summary of a
> much larger notebook using  Mathematica 3.0.
> I need to distribute only the major results of a Mathematica notebook
> to invividuals who don't want to see intermediate calculations,
> Mathematica code or other similar information. So out of say a total
> of 50 cells, all I want to be able to print (in succsession) are for
> example, 9 cells. These 9 would be an intermingling of text cells,
> Mathematica output cells and plots and would be sequenced to produce a
> highly readable document.
> My first attempt was to select all cells that I don't want printed in
> the summary and  "Cell", "Cell Properties", and turn off "Cell Open".
> This essentially collapses the cell and forces the contents not to be
> printed. In a similar fashion, the cell can be re-opened if needed.
> But there are two problems with this:
> 1) Everytime the notebook is Evaluated, these closed cells become
> automatically re-opened which would require that they all be re-closed
> again to produce the summary.
> 2)  Even though these cells can be "closed", they appear to maintain a
> certain cell height and when several closed cells are adjacent, these
> heights can add up to a large blank area on the printout. I believe
> the cell heights can be reduced but they need to be a minimum height
> so that they will be visible on the screen so that they can be
> re-opened at a later date.
> My second thought was to create an entirely separate notebook and only
> write the subset of info. for the summary to it. But this seems a bit
> inefficient. It would be highly advantagous to keep it to a single
> notebook.
> So my next thought was to write the summary info. to a different
> location of the same notebook. But the problem I'm anticipating here
> is how to get the proper page numbering to appear in the header of the
> summary section. In other words, if I write the summary at the bottom
> of a 10 page notebook, would the summary begin at page 11 ? Also, as a
> new user, I don't yet know how to write duplicate info. to a different
> section in a way that will flow with the rest of the summary. And this
> method also seems inefficient.
> Has anyone come up with a neat way of getting this done in version 3.0
> ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Steve
> For any e-mail responses, please remove *NOSPAM* from my address.

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