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Re: creating input cell with unevaluated expression?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20147] Re: [mg20089] creating input cell with unevaluated expression?
  • From: "Carl K.Woll" <carlw at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 03:05:06 -0400
  • Organization: Department of Physics
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


In Mathematica 4.0, your second idea works perfectly,


In Mathematica 3.0, it doesn't. I Traced the above function, and came up
with a potential workaround, which is to give StylePrint the attribute
HoldAllComplete. This may not be a very wise thing to do, however, so
caveat emptor I guess. Anyway, first execute

SetAttributes[StylePrint, HoldAllComplete]

and then try out your second idea.

Carl Woll
Physics Dept
U of Washington

Aaron Gross wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to do the following?  I want to write an
> expression that creates and inserts (at the current position in the
> front-end) an input cell containing a given *unevaluated* expression,
> just as if the user had typed it in himself.  For instance, I'd like
> to create an input cell containing the expression "1+1", so that if
> the user then evaluates the cell, he gets an output cell containing
> "2".
> I tried
>         StylePrint[HoldForm[1+1],"Input"]
> but that doesn't work -- the input cell still has the "Hold" tag, so
> when the user evaluates it by hand, he gets an output cell containing
> "1+1" rather than "2".
> I also tried
>         StylePrint[Unevaluated[1+1],"Input"]
> but that just gave me a "2" in the input cell.  So what's the "right"
> way to do this?

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