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dummy index list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20256] dummy index list
  • From: "Arturas Acus" <acus at>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:04:08 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear Group,

I have 2 questions:
1) I want the fastest way to select dummy symbols
from some expression. Suppose we have a list of 
dummy indices {a,-b,c, -d}. What is the fastest way to
get rid of the minus sign? 

Here is my solution:
testlist={a,-b,c, -d};

However I am not satisfied and believe there should
be a simple solution for such a simple task. I will use
this function very often in future, so it should be
as fast as possible.

2) I am not a professional programmer, so I am
very interesting in algorithm speed estimates
(there was a lot of such estimates published
recently in this group).
Do some tutorials on the web exist on this subject?
At the moment I am interesting in Mathematica SameQ 
algorithm asymptotic (theoretic).
Is it n or log(n) or some other?
How one can know or guess this? Probably 
there are some tables for various basic operations, 
for example, like 
1.the best selection algorithm can be done at speed ??  
2. the list intersection algorithm is ??
3 the union can be done at ??

and so on. Thanks.

Dr. Arturas Acus
Institute of Theoretical
Physics and Astronomy
Gostauto 12, 2600,Vilnius

E-mail: acus at
   Fax: 370-2-225361
   Tel: 370-2-612906

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