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Re: Mathematica 4.0.1 Front End crashes my Mac

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20323] Re: Mathematica 4.0.1 Front End crashes my Mac
  • From: "Andrew Cunningham" <andrewc at>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 20:20:48 -0400
  • Organization: Vibro-Acoustic Sciences Inc.
  • References: <7ssge2$> <7t4dah$> <7tupag$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The problem that I found was definitely related to the "Instant Palm 
Desktop" extension, v2.1. Disabling it made all the crashes with Mathematica 4.0.1
go away.

I recently downloaded the v2.5 of Palm Desktop. Unfortunately it seems that
the problem still exists, though not quite in the same form. Although
running Mathematica 4.0.1 does not cause my Mac to  immediately crash as it did
before, the "Finder" quit soon after. I then disabled "Instant Palm Desktop"
and again all the symptoms went away.

I would also avoid using GoMac 2.0.2. It introduced a lot of system

This issue seems to be related to 'patching' the menu handling of the MacOS.
Maybe Mathematica 4.0.1 is doing something "illegal". Or maybe it is showing up
someone else's problem in patching.



Andrew Cunningham
Vibro-Acoustic Sciences Inc
mailto: andrewc at

>From: Brian Higgins <bghiggins at>
In article <7tupag$eig at>, Brian Higgins <bghiggins at>

> I have a similar problem, but believe it is more fundamental. Here is
> what I have found using Mac OS 8.6.
> If I open Mathematica 4.0 after booting up the system ( the only
> application other than Finder running), I have no problems with
> Mathematica. If I now quit Mathematica and open up another application
> and then use the menu bar in that application for anything, the system
> crashes and I get a "' application name' has unexpectedly quit because
> of error type 1 occurred". I can reproduce this crash with Word 98,
> IE4.5, Eudora 4.0, BBedit 4.0 to name a few. If instead of using the
> menu bar I go to Finder, I get the message "Finder has quit, reboot your
> system" or simply the system freezes.
> If I do not quit Mathematica, all the other applications including
> Finder will work fine and I do not experience any crashes.
> Perhaps the Wolfram experts have some suggestions. I did not see any
> reports on their site other than the known problems with Appearance
> Manager. Perhaps I missed something. HELP
> Brian
> I have reproduce theses effect or two different Mac using Mac OS 8.6.
> Idid not have this problem when I was runni
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

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