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Re: UpdateNotationsInNotebook help

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20379] Re: UpdateNotationsInNotebook help
  • From: Jason Harris <j.harris at>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 02:40:28 -0400
  • References: <7u7toq$> <"199910160447.AAA27100">
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>The experts can tell you more, but it basically cleans up legacy notations.

Exactly! It transforms the old style notations into the new style. 
(appropriate tag boxes etc.)

>One caution.  I have several large notebooks which I have run this on.  Many
>crash the Mathematica kernel, which is no biggy - just save and go 
>again.  However,
>a couple have crashed the kernel, Mathematica, and hung the 
>computer!  Appears to be
>a bug which is some sort of conflict between the Notations package and the
>FrontEnd which has not be resolved.

The front end can't handle really big expressions. Hopefully the 
4.0.1 versions are more stable... Basically the function just 
consists of something like:

      NotebookPut[NotebookGet[nb] /. <modifications>]

This is enough to hang the kernel / front-end when dealing with 
really big notebooks.



>Kevin J. McCann
>Johns Hopkins University APL
>Lawrence Walker <lwalker701 at> wrote in message
>news:7u7toq$p6j at
>> Group:
>> In v4, I get the following message after the Notation
>> palette loads:
>> Adding the Notation styles to the current style sheet. You
>> might want to execute the command
>> UpdateNotationsInNotebook[] to update any legacy notations
>> present in the current notebook.
>> What does UpdateNotationsInNotebook do?  Legacy?  I couldn't
>> find help on the function UpdateNotationsInNotebook.
>> Thanks,
>> Lawrence
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>      (\___/)     The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
>>      (o\ /o)     wisdom: a good understanding have all they
>>     /|:.V.:|\    that do his commandments: his praise
>>     \\::::://    endureth for ever.              Psa 111:10
>> -----`"" ""`------------------------------------------------
>>         Lawrence A. Walker Jr., M.Eng./Ph.D. Candidate
>>                    Morgan State University
>>           Clarence M. Mitchell School of Engineering
>>  COMSARE (Center Of Microwave/Satellite And RF Engineering)
>>            Rm: 306-Schafer     Phone: (443)885-1453
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >

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