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Re: emmathfnt

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21700] Re: [mg21667] emmathfnt
  • From: Bojan Bistrovic <bojanb at>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 02:53:09 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> I want to take some plots generated in Mathematica (which contain Greek
> labels) and insert them into a MS Word 98 document so that they will
> print correctly to a PS printer which does not have the special
> Mathematica fonts. It appears that the Mathsource tool -"emmathfnt"
> which embeds the Math fonts in an existing Mathematica-generated EPS
> file should provide the solution to this problem. I am performing this
> task on a Macintosh and have encountered two problems:
> 1) The Readme file indicates that the tool will not work with EPS files
> generated by Display[] or Export[] when called from the standalone
> kernel.How then, am I supposed to save the Mathematica plot as an eps
> file ?
> 2) What is the exact syntax of indicating to emmathfnt the path to the
> Type1 1 Fonts. I used the standard path format
> (HardDisk:Folder1:Folder2:...) for the MAC, but it did not find the Font
> folder.
This works for me:

Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,2 Pi},DefaultFont->{"Symbol",10.},

It will use the "Sumbol" font for greek letters instead of "Math1" so since
SYmbol font is standard PostScript-Font installed in any printer, you
shouldn't have any problems.

Bye, Bojan

Bojan Bistrovic,                       bojanb at  
Old Dominion University, Physics Department,      Norfolk, VA

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