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RE: Using Block instead of Module?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24268] RE: [mg24251] Using Block instead of Module?
  • From: Wolf Hartmut <hwolf at>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 23:10:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	d8442803 at [SMTP:d8442803 at]
To: mathgroup at
> Sent:	Tuesday, July 04, 2000 9:22 PM
> To:	mathgroup at
> Subject:	[mg24251] Using Block instead of Module?
> Dear listers,
> I try to output results to a file whose name is variable, and find Module 
> statement cannot fulfill this purpose, only Block can do. For example,
> outputTest[lst_List, id_Integer] := Module[{fname, tmp = lst},
>       fname = ToString[id] <> ".txt";
>       ToExpression["tmp >>" <> fname];
>       ];
> outputTest[{1, 2, 3}, 3]
> The output file is 3.txt, but the content is "tmp". But if I change 
> Module statement into Block as below:
> outputTest[lst_List, id_Integer] := Block[{fname, tmp = lst},
>       fname = ToString[id] <> ".txt";
>       ToExpression["tmp >>" <> fname];
>       ];
> outputTest[{1, 2, 3}, 3]
> The output file is 3.txt, and the content is correct, {1, 2, 3}. How if 
> one used to use Module, like me, should do for the same purpose?
[Wolf Hartmut]  

Hallo Wen-Feng,

the problem with Module in your case, was with the name of the temporary
variable. Within Module the variable tmp (and also fname for that matter)
are renamed to tmp$nnn and fname$nnn, however not when occurring in a text
string. So after ToExpression you effectively refer to the global variable
tmp (which presumable was undefined in your case).


In[43]:= $ModuleNumber
Out[43]= 16
outputTest[lst_List, id_Integer] := 
    Module[{fname, tmp = lst}, fname = ToString[id] <> ".txt";
      ToExpression["tmp$16 >>" <> fname];];

In[45]:= outputTest[{1, 2, 3}, 3]

In[48]:= !! 3.txt
>From In[48]:= {1, 2, 3}

In[49]:= outputTest[{4, 5, 6}, 3]

In[50]:= !! 3.txt
>From In[50]:= tmp$16

You see, here we carefully arrange the name, such that it worked for the
first call. It did no so for the second, because then $ModuleNumber was
incremented. Block works because there the variable name is not renamed.

Your problems however presumably arose with the special form for Put

   expr >> filename

Therein filename is taken literally and automatically enclosed in
parentheses (I suppose by the frontend ???). All you have to do, is to avoid
that, e.g. (1) use Put:

outputTest[lst_List, id_Integer] := 
    Module[{fname, tmp = lst}, 
      fname = "C:\\Temp\\" <> ToString[id] <> ".txt";
      Put[tmp, fname];];

In[55]:= outputTest[{1, 5, 5}, 3]

In[56]:= !! "C:\\Temp\\3.txt"
>From In[56]:= {1, 5, 5}

or (2) use an expression which cannot be misunderstood as a literal
outputTest[lst_List, id_Integer] := Module[{tmp = lst},
      tmp >> "C:\\Temp\\" <> ToString[id] <> ".txt";];

In[66]:= outputTest[{7, 8, 9}, 5]

In[67]:= !! "C:\\Temp\\5.txt"
>From In[67]:= {7, 8, 9}

Kind regards,  Hartmut

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