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Usage Messages Useful for the SHIFT+CONTROL+K Feature

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24379] Usage Messages Useful for the SHIFT+CONTROL+K Feature
  • From: Adalbert Hanssen <hanssen at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 23:13:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, MathGroup,

last MathWire told us (I like that and I was not aware of it)

   ...Make Template will insert a template based on the currently
   selected function name. To see a template of the command and its
   optional parameters, press SHIFT+CONTROL+K (Windows), SHIFT+
   COMMAND+K (Macintosh), or SHIFT+Mod1+K (X). For example, if your
   selection is Plot, Mathematica will return Plot[f, {x, xmin,
   xmax}], which shows the simplest form of the Plot function..

However, this only holds, if there is an usage definition for 
the template, to be SHIFT+CONTROL+K-ed. The pasted text is the 
first "Word" from the usage message.


anything[x_]:=x;		(* this command must be "executed", of course *)

Type "any" and then SHIFT+CONTROL+K:  it will expand to anything 
(provided no other definitions starting with "any" are there).
Now add an usage message: 

anything::usage="This is a very interesting function. anything[x]..."

Again, type "any" and then SHIFT+CONTROL+K:  it will expand to "This",
which is the first word of the usage message. To really make use
of the feature, the template must be the first thing in the message, 
like in

anything::usage="anything[x_Integer] returns x"; 

Again, type "any" and then SHIFT+CONTROL+K:  it will expand to 


kind regards

Dipl.-Math. Adalbert Hanszen

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