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Why Does AbsoluteOptions Not Tell about all Automatic?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg24504] Why Does AbsoluteOptions Not Tell about all Automatic?
  • From: Adalbert Hanssen <hanssen at>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 03:01:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, MathGroup,

according to the online help:

	"AbsoluteOptions[expr] gives the absolute 
	settings of options specified in an
	expression such as a graphics object. 
	AbsoluteOptions[expr, name] gives the
	absolute setting for the option name. 
	AbsoluteOptions[expr, {name1, name2, ... }] 
	gives a list of the absolute settings for the 
	options namei. 
	AbsoluteOptions[object] gives the absolute 
	settings for options associated with an 
	external object such as a NotebookObject."

I have created a ContourGraphics and I want to
see the actual used values for options
which default to Automatic etc.

I use (Out[230] is the ContourGraphics Object):


and get

	{... AxesOrigin -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Automatic, 
	 Background -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> Automatic, ..., 
	 ColorOutput -> Automatic, ..., ContourStyle -> Automatic,  
	 DefaultColor -> Automatic, ..., FrameStyle -> Automatic, 
	 FrameTicks -> Automatic, ImageSize -> Automatic, ...
	 PlotRegion -> Automatic, ..., Ticks -> Automatic, ...

I put ...., where the options' settings were given.
Why this? I thought, AbsoluteOptions gives the actual 
settings for options used internally by Mathematica 
when the setting given is Automatic or All!

kind regards

Dipl.-Math. Adalbert Hanszen

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