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Macintosh CONFLICT: Mathematica + Instant Palm Desktop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25627] Macintosh CONFLICT: Mathematica + Instant Palm Desktop
  • From: Viorel Negoita <viorel at>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 03:04:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University of Pittsburgh
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I'm running a Mac G3 (OS 9.0.4), with Mathematica and Palm Desktop
2.6 (which includes the "Instant Palm Desktop" extension version 2.6).
Every time (well, almost every time) I quit Mathematica, the Finder quits
also (actually I have to open ANY menu in the menu bar for the Finder to
crash). So I have to disable the palm extension. Anyone having similar
problems? is there a fix? I was thinking of going back to Palm Desktop 2.5
and updating only the hotsync stuff needed  for OS 9.0.4, but before I do
that I would like to check to see if anyone has any other idea.

BTW: otherwise the system is rock stable. Here is the complete specs:

Blue G3/350 MHz/192 MB/Mac OS 9.0.4 with Maxtor HD (1,0) 30 GB 7200 RPM
and Quantum HD (0,1) 5400 RPM and DVD Rom Drive (Matshita) (0,0).

The numbers in paranthesis mean (ATA bus, master/slave).



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