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front end graphics display

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25607] front end graphics display
  • From: Gianluca Gorni <gorni at>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 03:04:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I have met an odd behaviour of the graphics display of my
Mathematica Front End 4.0 for PowerMac.

Consider the following:

rects[n_] := 
  Show[GraphicsArray[a =
     Graphics[Raster[Array[0 &, {n, n}]]]; {a, a}]]

This should show up as two black rectangles side by side.

rects[124] behaves as expected, but rects[125] only the
rectangle on the left is visible. If I click on the graphics,
I see that space is left for the other rectangle. If I Export[]
the picture as eps and view it in other applications, both
rectangles are there all right.

It seems that it is a Front End problem.

Best regards,

               Gianluca Gorni


 | Gianluca Gorni                  |
 | Universita` di Udine            |
 | Dipartimento di Matematica      |
 |   e Informatica                 |
 | via delle Scienze 208           |
 | I-33100 Udine UD                |
 | Italy                           |
 | Ph.: (39) 0432-558422           |
 | Fax: (39) 0432-558499           |
 | mailto:gorni at      |
 | |

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