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Text in graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25753] Text in graphics
  • From: Alan Easton <alan.easton at>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:43:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Swinburne University of Technology
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hello mathgroup,

I have two questions regarding printing text on graphics.  I use Mathematica 4 on a
Macintosh Powerbook G3.

I require pictures in EPS format for inclusion in LaTeX documents for publication.  I also
transfer graphics to other users, some with Macintosh others with PC's.

I am concerned about the fonts.  I like to use Helvetica or Arial fonts.  To date I have
avoided all greek symbols, fractions and brackets so that EPS pictures transfer and print
as they are supposed to.  However, I have found that printers have very limited fonts
available (for example, older printers do not have Arial font).  Transferring the fonts to
the memory of printers does not seem an adequate solution.  The use of a very limited
character set is not sustainable so I have decided that I should use the embedded math
font application on each of the figures.  I have downloaded the application (emmathfnt)
and used it successfully on one picture.  This is a little tedious but is a solution.
Hence, my first question is "Is there a better solution available?"

My second question regards the development of a suitable text.   I would like to write
equations in mathematical form with variables in italic and numbers in plain text.  For
example the following commands are adequate to display the boundary condition *u/*x = 1/2.

bc = Graphics[{
            StyleForm["*u/*x", FontFamily -> "Arial",
              FontSlant -> "Italic", FontSize -> 10], {1.1, 0.5}, {1, 0}],
            StyleForm["=1/2", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10],
            {1.1, 0.5}, {-1, 0}]}];

But how can I do *u/*x = 1/2u?  I would like to form a composite text which I can direct
to be displayed from one point.

I would like to hear from others who have dealt with these problems.

Alan Easton

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