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Re: Re: Mathematica -> "AI"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25731] Re: [mg25706] Re: [mg25659] Mathematica -> "AI"
  • From: Manuel Arala Chaves <machaves at>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:42:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thank you for your answer.
You probably have Math.3.0. I tried your example with Mathematica 3.0, a
file was produced, but I could not read it with adobe illustrator.
Anyway, in version 4.0 there is no such export termination  "ILS"
(Book pages 554 e 1129); it is replaced by "AI". But the files are not
recognized by Adobe Illustrator.
	So the problem remains.

(To understand why I would like ai format and not eps (for instance), I
reproduce part of a message I wrote recently:

"        In the preparation of math exhibits I often use Mathematica, send
graphics files by email to some specialised enterprises and get pieces cut
automatically in different materials (including acrylics, PVC, wood, ...).
        They ask me for Vector formats to be used either with Adobe
Illustrator or Corel Draw. If I use export facility to AI from
Mathematica, the file produced cannot be opened by AI program ("The MPS
parser is unable to parse this file"). I imagine that if Wolfram includes
this facility, it should work. What am I doing wrong?
        I recently tried exporting to WMF (also vector format) and it can
be imported by Corel Draw without problems. But apparently the software
for  "cutting machines" use Bezier primitives and all I could do from
Mathematica was to export a polygonal line. Even if I increase the number
of points, it is not adequate for the machines. Result: there is an extra
work and loss of time when they try to fit a bezier curve to my polygonal
curve (with the possibility of introducing errors).
        If you know how to proceed, it would help me.  ") 

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Tomas Garza wrote:

> Display[channel, graphics, "format"] writes graphics or sound in the 
> specified format (see Help Browser under "Display"). One of the possible 
> formats to be used is "Illustrator", which is Adobe Illustrator format. 
> Example: 
> In[1]:=
> a = Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi}]
> In[2]:=
> Display["sinegraph.ILS", a, "Illustrator"];
> This stores the graph generated by Plot in Adobe Illustrator format in 
> the file sinegraph.ILS in the default directory. For a list of the 
> formats which can be used with "Display" see The Book, p. 1070.
> Tomas Garza
> Mexico City
> "Manuel Arala Chaves" <machaves at> wrote:
> > I never succeeded exporting graphics from Mathematica to Adobe
> > Illustrator format neither with version 3 nor 4.
> > I tried for a curve  Export ["name.AI", curve]: a file is
> > created, but I cannot import it to Adobe Illustrator 9.0 : parsing 
> error
> > (not more successful with Corel Draw 9). If I do the same for 
> "name.WMF",
> > I have no problem: the file can be successfully imported by Corel 
> Draw.
> > Did somebody have the same problem? Is there a solution?

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