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Re: Rounding Numbers in for output in GridBox

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25101] Re: Rounding Numbers in for output in GridBox
  • From: Albert Retey <albert.retey at>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 03:14:26 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Visual Analysis
  • References: <8p9ktc$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

JOHN C ERB wrote:
> I would like to make a nice table for printing.
> The table contains strings and numbers.
> I would like to have the numbers rounded (or formatted)
> to display to a specified number of digits or decimal points.
> The routine below is an attempt at rounding the numbers to two
> decimal places for output in table form using "GridBox."
> The problem is that the numbers are displayed to 15 decimal places,
> after they have been rounded.
> Any suggestions on displaying a specified number of digits or
> decimal points?
Hi John,
> I am using Mathematica 4.0.1 and Windows 98, 2nd Ed.
> My sample routine:
> (* generate a table *)
> stuff = Table[Random[Real, {0.1, 100}], {i, 3}, {j, 4}]
> (* add column titles *)
> columntitles = {"Numb 1", "Numb 2", "Numb 3", "Numb 4"};
> stuff1 = Prepend[stuff, columntitles]
> (* Display in a table form using GridBox *)
> stufftable =
>   GridBox[stuff1, RowLines -> True, ColumnLines -> True] // FrameBox //
>     DisplayForm
> (* Round the numbers to two deicmal places *)
> newstuff = Round[stuff*100]/100.0
> newstuff1 = Prepend[newstuff, columntitles]
> (* display the new table *)
> newstufftable =
>   GridBox[newstuff1, RowLines -> True, ColumnLines -> True] // FrameBox //
>     DisplayForm
> Thanks in advance
> John C. Erb
> email: John_C_Erb at

If I understand your problem right, you should have a look at
NumberForm, or at the following lines of code:

GridBox[Table[ {i, N[\[Pi], i], NumberForm[N[\[Pi], 20], {20, i}]}, {i,
        20}], RowLines -> True, ColumnLines -> True, GridFrame -> True, 
    ColumnAlignments -> {Center, Left, Right}] // DisplayForm

Hope that helps,

Albert Retey

Visual Analysis GmbH     Internet:
Neumarkter Str. 87       Telefon: 089 / 431 981 0        
D-81673 Muenchen         Telefax: 089 / 431 981 1

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