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Re: save a plot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25195] Re: save a plot
  • From: quizzik at (Thomas Anderson)
  • Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 21:24:39 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • References: <8pkkc7$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
  • Xdisclaimer: User not authenticated

> Basic question: Is there a way to save plots or just the points used to
> generate the plots such that I don't need to redo all the calculations or
> make a list of points myself ?

This has been a concern for me as well. I've found a couple of
ways around the problem. The simplest thing to do, as far as I know, is
wrap the Graphics object in InputForm and save it in the notebook or in
Exported file:

    In[1]:=   p = Plot[...]

    (graphic of the plot)

    Out[1]=   -Graphics-

    In[2]:=   InputForm[p]

    Out[2]=   Graphics[...]

When you need to read the graphics back into memory, just select the
and Copy and Paste it into an Input line, i.e. 

    In[3]:=   p = (pasted Graphics code)

There are probably ways to do this more automatically, perhaps by
the Format rule for Graphics. The two-step method shown above has the 
advantage of allowing you to collapse the cell that contains the
lengthy) Graphics[...] output while keeping the plot itself visible.

I'd be keenly interested in any better ways of dealing with this issue.


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