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Nice graphs with Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25376] Nice graphs with Mathematica
  • From: an_mo at
  • Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 16:29:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I hope this is not a FAQ, but I tried everything and I can't print nice
pictures with mathematica. My code is below. Basically, fonts look
ugly, curves are not "curvy" (you can see the "ladder" without looking
too close at the pictures). I have tried every possible graphic format
to no avail. Yet, pictures in the mathematica book look wonderful, so
there must be some way.

I am using mathematica 4 on a pc. I then import the picture in a latex
document. The graph looks almost ok in the mathematica window, but
awful in the dvi preview after latex compile. When printed, it looks
exactly like from the dvi preview.
Here is an example of one of my pics in case you wonder:

g1[ph_, pf_] := If[ph < 0.5, ph*(3 - 2ph)/(1 + 2ph), ph]
g3[ph_, pf_] := 4ph/(1 + 3ph)
g4[ph_, pf_] := 1/2*(3/2 - ph) - Sqrt[1/4*(3/2 - ph)^2 - ph/2]
g6[ph_, pf_] := pf*(3 - 2pf)/(1 + 2pf)
g8[ph_, pf_] := 4pf/(1 + 3pf)
g9[ph_, pf_] := 1/2*((3/2 - pf)) - Sqrt[1/4*(3/2 - pf)^2 - ph/2]
ig6[ph_] := -ph/(-4+3ph)
ig7[ph_] := If[h >= 0.5, h, g3[h]]
dd = Plot[{g3[h, 0], ig6[h], g4[h, 0], g1[h, 0], 1}, {h, 0, 1},
      PlotRange -> {0, 1}, AspectRatio -> 1, GridLines -> {{1}, {}},
      PlotPoints -> 100,
      AxesLabel -> {StyleForm[\[Pi]^h, FontSize -> 14],
          StyleForm[\[Pi]^f, FontSize -> 14]}]

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