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Re: Re: Rotation3D, MatrixRotation3D ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg30438] Re: [mg30410] Re: Rotation3D, MatrixRotation3D ?
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 04:05:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Actually (of course) there is no need to multiply the rotation matrices 
explicitly as I somewhat blindly did in the message below, the following 
will do just as well:




 From In[3]:=
Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some 
solutions may \
not be found.

{{\[Psi] -> Pi/6, \[Theta] -> Pi/4, \[Phi] -> Pi/3}}

On Friday, August 17, 2001, at 09:49  PM, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> My previous message in this thread actually contains (implicitly) two 
> ways to do that. The first way is very straight forward and consists 
> simply of the combination of Euler's theorem and the Mathematica 
> function Solve. For example, let's construct a rotation matrix:
> In[1]:=
> Needs["Geometry`Rotations`"]
> In[2]:=
> B=RotationMatrix3D[Pi/3,Pi/4,Pi/6];
> In[3]:=
> Solve[ RotationMatrix3D[\[Psi], 0, 0].
>       RotationMatrix3D[0, \[Theta], 0].RotationMatrix3D[\[Phi], 0, 
> 0]\[Equal]
>     B,{\[Phi],\[Theta],\[Psi]}]
> From In[3]:=
> Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some 
> solutions may \
> not be found.
> Out[3]=
> {{\[Psi] -> Pi/6, \[Theta] -> Pi/4, \[Phi] -> Pi/3}}
> One has to be careful here to get the names of the angles right (or 
> equivalently their order), I had it wrong in my message since 
> Mathematica convention is not the same as I am used to.
> This method is not 100% reliable because Mathematica is not 100% 
> reliable when solving trigonometric equations. There is also a second 
> method, basically described at the end of my previous message. If you 
> really need it I send you the details  or you can look it up in a good 
> linear algebra book, e.g. Kostrykin and Manin, "Linear Algebra and 
> Geometry".
Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University
> On Friday, August 17, 2001, at 04:09  PM, ojg wrote:
>> Sounds interesting:)
>> Are your routines able to regenerate the auler angles from the 
>> rotation? My
>> problem is of a similar kind and might be good to look at:)
>> Thanks,
>> Johnny
>> "David Park" <djmp at> wrote in message
>> news:9ld1m6$2gi$1 at
>>> Johnny,
>>> If you have Mathematica Version 4, I may be able to help you.
>>> My Mathematica friend, Rip Pelletier, and I have been studying 
>>> rotations
>>> using Jack B. Kuipers` book "Quaternions and Rotation Sequences". I 
>>> have
>>> been preparing a set of tutorials which basically help us to 
>>> understand
>>> rotations by explaining it as clearly as possible. They are still 
>>> somewhat
>>> of a work in progress, but I am far enough along to be able to attack 
>>> the
>>> problems that you have posed. I am also working on a set graphics 
>>> routines
>>> which illustrate rotation sequences and help to visualize the various
>>> sequences.
>>> We would be glad to share these with you if you wish. They do require
>>> Mathematica Version 4 and they also use my DrawingPaper and 
>>> DrawingCube
>>> packages from my web site. They also use two packages
>>> Geometry`ExtendRotations and Geometry`RotationGraphics. You would 
>>> have to
>>> install these packages in your AddOns/ExtraPackages folders.
>>> Here are some of the usage messages for the routines that are in the
>>> packages.
>>> Geometry`ExtendRotations`
>>> SetRotationMatrices[alibi|alias] will set the 3D axis rotation 
>>> matrices \
>>> according to the alibi or alias form. The current setting is saved in 
>>> the
>> \
>>> variable RotationMatrixForm. The alibi form matrices will rotate a 
>>> vector
>> by
>>> \
>>> the right hand rule. The alias form matrices will rotate the 
>>> coordinate
>>> frame \
>>> by a right hand rule.
>>> Rx[\[Theta]] is a 3D rotation matrix for rotation about the x axis.
>>> Ry[\[Theta]] is a 3D rotation matrix for rotation about the y axis.
>>> Rz[\[Theta]] is a 3D rotation matrix for rotation about the z axis.
>>> Rot[\[Theta]] is a 2D rotation matrix for rotation about the 
>>> supposed z
>>> axis.
>>> RotationAxisAndAngle[rotationmatrix] will generate the axis of 
>>> rotation
>> and
>>> \
>>> the associated rotation angle in radians for a 3 x 3 rotation matrix. 
>>> An \
>>> equally valid answer is obtained by reversing the signs of both the 
>>> angle
>>> and \
>>> the axis vector.
>>> EulerAngles[matrix, seqstring, form:alibi] will return the Euler 
>>> angles \
>>> corresponding to a sequence of axes rotations specified by seqstring. 
>>> An
>>> axes \
>>> sequence of "XYZ" means rotation around the X axes by \[Psi], 
>>> followed by
>> \
>>> rotation about the Y axis by \[Theta], followed by rotation about 
>>> the Z
>> axis
>>> \
>>> by \[Phi]. The rotations angles {\[Psi],\[Theta],\[Phi]} are 
>>> returned. For
>> \
>>> sequences of the form ABA, 0 \[LessEqual] \[Theta] \[LessEqual] 
>>> \[Pi]. For
>> \
>>> sequences of the form ABC, -\[Pi]/2 \[LessEqual] \[Theta] 
>>> \[LessEqual] \
>>> \[Pi]/2.  The answers are in terms of the standard alibi matrices, 
>>> unless
>> \
>>> alias is specified in the optional argument.
>>> Geometry`RotationGraphics`
>>> AlibiAliasAnimation2D[vector, {\[Theta]min, \[Theta]max}, 
>>> numframes:24] \
>>> produces a side by side animation of the alibi and alias 
>>> interpretation of
>> a
>>> \
>>> 2D rotation.
>>> DrawVector3D[vectortip, name, l, options] will draw a vector from the
>> origin
>>> \
>>> going to vectortip. The vector will be labeled with name at l 
>>> vectortip. \
>>> options can be used to pass options to the Arrow3D routine.
>>> DrawVector3D[vectortip, name, options] is the same as
>>> DrawVector3D[vectortip, \
>>> name, 1.1, options]
>>> DrawFrame3D[rotmat, {name1, name2, name3}, l, options] will draw frame
>> axes
>>> \
>>> rotated according to the rotation matrix, rotmat, rotating the axes
>> vectors
>>> \
>>> in the alibi mode. The axes will be labeled with the names at a 
>>> fractional
>> \
>>> distance l along the axes vector. options can be used to pass options 
>>> to
>> the
>>> \
>>> Arrow3D routine.
>>> DrawFrame3D[rotmat, {name1, name2, name3}, options] is the same as \
>>> DrawFrame3D[rotmat, {name1, name2, name3}, 1.1, options]
>>> DrawBook[rotmat, scale] will draw a book centered at the origin and
>> rotated
>>> \
>>> using the rotation matrix rotmat. scale can be used to change the 
>>> overall
>> \
>>> size of the book. scale = 1 gives a book of dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 
>>> 0.2.
>> The
>>> \
>>> book looks best with the following lighting option:
>>> Lighting \[Rule] True,
>>> AmbientLight \[Rule] GrayLevel[0.3],
>>> LightSources\[Rule]{{{1, 0, 1}, GrayLevel[0.4]},{{1, 1, 1}, \
>>> GrayLevel[0.4]},{{0, 1, 1},GrayLevel[0.4]}}
>>> Another possibility is to use the BookLighting option command.
>>> ThreeStepBookAnimation[{rot1, \[Theta]1max}, {rot2, \[Theta]2max}, 
>>> {rot3,
>> \
>>> \[Theta]3max}] will produce an animation of the book, rotating
>> successively
>>> \
>>> according to the three rotation matrices by the specified angles.
>>> TwoBookAnimation[seq1, seq2] animates two side by side book rotation \
>>> sequences where each sequence is given by a sequence of the form 
>>> {{rot1, \
>>> \[Theta]1max}, {rot2, \[Theta]2max}, {rot3, \[Theta]3max}}.
>>> AliasAnimation3D[{rot1, \[Theta]1max}, {rot2, \[Theta]2max}, {rot3, \
>>> \[Theta]3max}] will animate the a three step rotation of the frame 
>>> using \
>>> alias form matrices. The routine sets the alias form for matrices and 
>>> then
>> \
>>> restores the original form.
>>> So far, I have two completed tutorials.
>>> 1) 2D rotations, alibi and alias interptetations. Matrix form. 
>>> Mathematica
>>> expressions for transforming row vectors, column vectors etc.
>>> 2) 3D rotations about axes. Illustration of the matrix forms and the
>>> mnemonic XYZXY for determining the directions of rotations and where 
>>> to
>> put
>>> the +Sin and -Sin terms in the matrix.
>>> 3) 3D rotation sequences. Calculating Euler angles or axis of 
>>> rotation.
>>> Still in progress, although the underlying routines are finished.
>>> We would be glad to share this work with anyone studying 3D rotations,
>>> especially if they are interested in contributing ideas to improve 
>>> them.
>>> Rip has been jumping ahead, learning how to use quaternions, but so 
>>> far I
>>> have been staying with rotation matrices.
>>> David Park
>>> djmp at
>>>> From: ojg [mailto:ole.jonny.gjoen at]
To: mathgroup at
>> To: mathgroup at
>>>> Question regarding rotations.
>>>> Some of the documentation found regarding this is not as far as I can
>> see
>>>> complete in the documentation, at least the subject is difficult 
>>>> enough
>> to
>>>> make me unsure once not 100% clear:)
>>>> Fist, what are the defined "euler angles" in mathematica, and in
>>>> what order
>>>> are they applied?
>>>> Second, of which side of the vector is the rotational matrix 
>>>> multiplied
>> ?
>>>> Third, is there a mathematica way to rotate around an abitrary
>> rotational
>>>> axis? If not, what would the mathematica matix be for this?
>>>> My problem to solve is as follows: Given three rotational angles 
>>>> (a,b,c)
>>>> applied in order to the following three rotational axes: Y axis, X 
>>>> axis,
>> Z
>>>> axis. (usual right hand system). This rotation applied to any
>>>> vector v will
>>>> give you a vector V (first Y rotation applied on v, etc).
>>>> Now, given a rotational matrix with pure numerical values in, I
>>>> need to find
>>>> the three angles, and I need a general formulae for this solution 
>>>> taking
>>>> care of the special cases.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Johnny

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